Stranded mRNA-Seq Kits

KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kits

For Illumina Sequencers

Available internationally on April 11, 2014

Even difficult messages should be understood.

The KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit generates libraries from 100 ng – 4 µg of total RNA with greater than 99% strand specificity and superior sequence quality. Kits are optimized for the improved coverage of GC-rich and low-abundance transcripts, resulting in the identification of more genes. Kits contain KAPA HiFi for high-efficiency and low bias library amplification, as well as KAPA mRNA Capture Beads and a streamlined, "with-bead" protocol.


  • Gene expression
  • Single nucleotide variation (SNV) discovery
  • Post-transcriptional SNVs
  • Fusion gene identification
  • Targeted transcriptome
  • Whole transcriptome

Uncover challenging transcripts

  • Improved coverage of GC-rich transcripts
  • Enhanced identification of exonic regions


Figure 1: Improved coverage of GC-rich transcripts.
The 5' and 3' exons (outlined in red) of the DVL3 transcript contain regions of very high GC content. These regions are covered to a significantly greater depth by the KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit in comparison to the Illumina® TruSeq™ Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit.

Detect low-abundance transcripts

  • Enables identification of transcripts missed by competitor kits, even with high input
  • High uniformity across varying amounts of sample input


Figure 2: Improved coverage of low-abundance transcripts
GLTPD1, a lesser-expressed transcript, is covered more comprehensively with the KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit at 500 ng input total RNA (outlined in red). In comparison, Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit shows coverage gaps, even with higher inputs (4 μg).

Identify more genes

  • Higher percentage of uniquely mapped reads compared to Illumina TruSeq mRNA-Seq Sample Prep kits
  • Lower duplication rates yield better coverage


Figure 3: Highly mapped reads and strand-specificity enable sensitive detection of expressed genes
With similar numbers of filter-passed reads (>30M), KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq libraries generate a greater percentage of mapped reads and lower duplication rates than analogous libraries prepared with the Illumina Stranded mRNA-Seq Sample Prep Kit while maintaining 99% strand-specificity.

Maintain high coverage uniformity

  • Minimal 5’ – 3’ bias across transcripts
  • More uniform distribution of reads over each transcript


Figure 4: Minimal positional bias
With intact, high-quality RNA input, 3' positional coverage bias was minimized (average across top 1000 transcripts shown). Compared to the Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit, KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit produces equivalent 5’ – 3’ coverage across transcript.

CodeDescriptionKit Contents  
Stranded RNA-Seq Kits - without bead
KK8400 Kapa Stranded RNA-Seq Kit - 24 rxn Includes buffers and enzymes required for construction of stranded RNA-Seq libraries via the following steps: fragmentation, 1st and 2nd strand cDNA synthesis, and cDNA library construction, including A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification.  
KK8401 Kapa Stranded RNA-Seq Kit - 96 rxn Contains all of the buffers and enzymes required for construction of stranded RNA-Seq libraries via the following steps: fragmentation, 1st and 2nd strand cDNA synthesis, and cDNA library construction, including A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification.  
Stranded mRNA-Seq Kits - mRNA Capture Beads
KK8420 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit - 24 rxn Contains all of the buffers and enzymes required for construction of stranded RNA-Seq libraries via the following steps: mRNA capture, fragmentation, 1st and 2nd strand cDNA synthesis, and cDNA library construction, including A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification.  
KK8421 KAPA Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit - 96 rxn Contains all of the buffers and enzymes required for construction of stranded RNA-Seq libraries via the following steps: mRNA capture, fragmentation, 1st and 2nd strand cDNA synthesis, and cDNA library construction, including A-tailing, adapter ligation, and library amplification.  

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